General Apologetics
1 Peter 3:15 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Behind the badge.net
The Faith defended by a believer. This is one of my favorite Apologetic sites. Rather than presenting a dry treatment of the questions and objections people pose, the author answers the questions from his own perspective, based on his real-life experience as a police officer. He answers questions not usually found at apologetics sites or in apolegetics books, including the objections that "God is evil" and the objections of those who are "angry at God" with remarkable clarity, and a loving spirit. Rational ChristianityHave you ever heard the objection that "Jesus never really existed?", or that history does not support the Bible's claims? If so, be sure to check out the section on Historical Evidence for Christianity in the "For Skeptics" section. |
Revelation 4:11Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created
Creation Science Evangelism
Dr. Kent Hovind is sometimes called the "Hulk Hogan of Creationists". A former science teacher, Dr. Hovind now makes a living speaking about creation, evolution, and dinosaurs. His seiminar series is available for download in Real Media format. Dr, Hovind has been involved in more creation/evolution debates than any other evangelist, and has never lost a debate In addition to his online seminar series, his web site contains a wealth of information defending Biblical creation. Institute for Creation ResearchThis site contains an impressive FAQ section, as well as scientific research papers. Jesus, Dinosaurs and MoreSeveral issues explained in plain English Answers In GenesisMore creation science resources, and a very good ministry Big Daddy?A tract available from Chick Publications |